
Monday, May 20, 2019

7 Ways to Stop Hating Mondays

Weekends are all about leisure, adventure, no alarm mornings, family time. They are meant to let you take a break from your working week and recharge. 

But in reality, we are so enwrapped with catching up with laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping and mundane chores that we end up feeling exhausted and grumbly on Mondays.

We all blame Mondays for our brief weekends, for feeling mentally and physically unproductive.

But who said that Mondays should suck?

What if I told you that you could start appreciating Mondays more by just a simple change of mindset? 

Here are 7 Ways to Stop Hating Mondays 

1. Make it Relaxing

Stop treating the weekend as an escape from work and stop treating Monday as a strict working day. Try to plan your week so that you don't have to cook or do some cleaning on Mondays. 

Make Monday a relaxing day just to lean on the sofa and sip your coffee without any deadlines and urgent preparations.

2. Look good

Try to find the time during the weekend for some self-care. 

Get a manicure, do your hair, try to wear something new or one of your best outfits. When you look good and dress up nicer than you usually do you will feel more confident and more energetic to go on with your day. 

3.  Do something exciting

Do one of your favorite activities on Mondays. It may be watching your favorite TV-show or series, treating yourself to your favorite snack or dessert, turning on your mood-boosting playlists with some aromatic tea.

One of my recent favorite activities is to write a post each Monday. I really feel productive and satisfied every time I have a blog post up and it is sure to boost my mood on Mondays.

4. Do some shopping

If you avoid shopping and the crowded malls at the weekend like me, you can go shopping on Mondays. If you don't feel like leaving the house, indulge yourself in some online shopping and you can enjoy your new products by the end of the week.

5. Enjoy your Sunday

Sundays are related to Monday blues so much that we often dread having an outing or going on an adventure on Sundays. But I do feel blue on Mondays every time I stay in as I spend my time cleaning and cooking and not really relaxing.

In my opinion, when we enjoy the weekend and make the most of it we feel more satisfied to go back to work.

6. Meet a friend

Weekends are usually about catching up with the family. When you are married with kids, you spend most of your time on playgrounds and kids cafes.

Why not have a close friend meet-up on Mondays to chat and vent about the happenings in your lives? A good conversation with an intimate friend is proven to ease stress and boost your energy level for the rest of the week.

7. Give a fresh start to your week

And finally, treat Monday as a fresh start, as an opportunity to start something new, maybe a new course, a new habit which will become a new lifestyle. 

Start your week with goals and be persistent.

The key to stopping hating Mondays is to change our attitude.

70% of our lives are weekdays, so why should we spend our lives hating them and looking for weekends and vacations? 

Do you live 5 out of the 7 days thinking that you are doing something unpleasant?

Have you adopted the strategy "Living for the weekend or vacations" or you have some tips on how to stop hating Mondays?

Share your tips with me in the comments below and have a happy Monday!
Shank You Very Much


  1. I uesd to meet up with my friends every Monday and have a glass of wine. This is how I stopped hating Mondays :)

  2. I don't mind Monday's. Everyday I get up is a good day.

  3. I like to be prepared by knowing what the week ahead will expect. That makes it easier to face and put in things to brighten dull days. Thanks for linking up with #globalblogging

    1. That's a good tip! I am a little slow in planning and organizing and I am usually unable to plan for the whole week.I wish...

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