
Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Wordless Wednesday #24 "Best of June"

Photography is not just a hobby for me, it is simply a passion.

You don't need to own the best camera to get a perfect photo. I'm just a girl who grabs her camera, mostly cellphone (imagining it is Huawei p30:) and follows her heart wherever it takes her

Sometimes I catch myself looking at things and people through the lens trying to stop the beauty of the moment and thinking " This would be a great photo! I wish I could take a shot right now". 

As today is the last Wednesday of June, I decided to scroll down my cellphone images and select the best 3. 

I would appreciate it greatly if you could take the time to vote for your favorite photo in the comments section below.

Wordless Wednesday " Best of June"




With a picture you can share a moment or a memory without having to use words. 

Actually, it's not about the things you see but it's all about the way you see them.


I am linking up with


  1. They are all lovely, but my favourite is the sunset. I am always trying to get different photos of beautiful sunsets.

  2. We have a Huawei P20, the camera is not bad. Mom still prefers to shoot with her DSLR Nikon, but the phone is always there and waiting for us!

    1. we can't deny that cellphones with good quality cameras are more practical than cameras themselves

  3. I love them all, but the last one is my favorite. I'm sure some of it is because I'm hungry.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  4. I love the first one. Thanks for sharing it. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  5. Lusine, will you believe this if I told you that I just was thinking about you and wondering what happened to your wonderful link-ups. ��

    Thank you so much for swinging by and this lovely message.

    God bless.

    (this one's from my blog to You)

    I quite like all the pictures, but I'd probably vote for the last one, as I'm a foodie of sorts. And I love the various props around it.

    Have a wonderful week dear Lusine.

    1. Oh,thank you dear Natasha, so thoughtful and caring of you, I appreciate tremendously your support and feedback!!!
