
Monday, September 16, 2019

Bucket List: 35 Things To Do at 35

Back on New Year's Eve, I made my first Bucket List of 35 Things to Do in 2019 and kind of failed as I was not very persistent and kind of forgot most of the wishes I had determined to accomplish.

Today, as I have turned 35 years old, I feel more determined to set a bucket list of 35 goals, wishes and things to do by September 2020. I have tried to make most of my wishes achievable and realistic. Wish me luck!

My blog, coffee and camera!

1. Travel to a new country 

2. Purchase a professional camera 

3. Purchase a mobile with a professional camera 

4. Develop my photography skills (online course maybe) 

5. Eat healthily and keep my ideal weight 

6. Keep fit, exercise daily (in the process)

7. Drink more water (in the process)

8. Practise self-care on a regular basis 

9. Paint on a canvas 

10. Ride on a train 

11. Start driving (in the process)

12. Start designing T-shirts (in the process)

13. Go self-hosted on my blog 

14. Save money (in the process)

15. Learn to play chess 

20. Run a marathon 

21. Watch classic movies (write down their names) 

22. Finish all the books I have purchased (in the process)

23. Try a new cuisine 

24. Buy a painting from my favorite artist, Leonid Afremov 

25. Learn to take better care of my plants 

26. Create my herb garden 

27. Learn to ride a bike

28. Try pottery

29. Take a cruise

30. Learn to paint on fabrics

31. Create a blog logo 

32. Go to the movies alone

33. Try audio-books, podcasts 

34. Purchase a designer-made item

35. Learn a new skill (Digital Art) 

Is there anything more pleasing than ticking something off your To-Do list?

That's why I will check a wish out once I accomplish it for me and you to be visible how far I have gone.

My blog, coffee and camera!

How many of these things have you done?

What's the one wish you would like to have accomplished by your next birthday?

I'm linking up with


  1. Oh to be 35 again, seems a million years ago #globalb!ogging@_karendennis

    1. I guess the older you get, the luckier you should feel :)But we can't help missing the young and careless years, can we?

  2. There's no end to the good things we can do at ANY age! Thanks for this list of suggestions.

    1. Yes, 100%! We just need to keep wishing and aiming to fly higher, why not!

  3. Happy birthday! You have complied a wonderful list. I hope you have fun crossing off items one at a time! :)

  4. Start driving is a must, the longer you leave it the harder it will become #GlobalBlogging

  5. You're right. As you can see, there are lots of basic things I should have accomplished by my 20s:(

  6. I’ve done 11 of the things on your list (which I love, btw, as your list is a good mix of things) and I too have not learned how to drive (I’m 40) ... I think I’m going to write a similar list of things I want to do. Life is a hard path to navigate so don’t be too hard on yourself for the things you feel you should have done because you’ve still achieved a lot in those 35 years too!

    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you for being so supportive. Would love to read your post once it's published.

  7. I think the one thing I'd like to accomplish within the next year is to finally get my drivers license! Love the items on your list. I'm sure you'll have no problem ticking them all off! :)

    Renee @ Maritime Mama

    1. OH, yeah that would be a big accomplishment for me as well. Good luck!

  8. That's an awesome list! I've probably done about 20 of these, definitely should improve on the exercising and eating healthy side :/

    1. Good for you. There are some basic skills I should have learned way before. I accept that:)

  9. I go to the movies alone during the day and it is awesome - I've actually made friends with other solo viewers who just want to enjoy a movie during cheap hours. #GlobalBlogging

    1. I also love going to the movies in the mornings to avoid the traffic and save some money:)

  10. Looks like you've ticked off quite a bit of your list which is great considering how restricted we've been for part of that. Happy (very belated) 35th and early 36th!

    1. This post was written last year, a new post is coming this September with 36 things TO-DO:)
