
Friday, September 2, 2022

Introvert Interview 4

I'm an Introvert


Introverted people have a hard time opening up to others and sharing their thoughts and feelings. This can make them seem standoffish and difficult to get to know but this is only a surface-level view of their personality.

My Introvert Interviews are aimed at learning more about the unique individual insights of introverts that other people often don't see and gaining more understanding of their introverted personality.

Introvert Interview 4

Welcome to Introvert Interview 4 where I'm with Amanda, the writer behind the Introvert Proofing blog which is a blog devoted to appreciating and empowering the anxious and/or introverted on a journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance. 

Amanda, Introvert Proofing

Aside from blogging, Amanda is a freelance proofreader and ESL teacher. I was recommended her Instagram Page by Catalina from Words for Introverts and as soon as I visited her page, I sensed peaceful vibes and tranquil energy. I was drawn to Amanda's insightful captions and deep thoughts right away, and I knew she was the ideal candidate to reach out to for an Introvert Interview.

Let's read Amanda's Interview where she dives into her journey of exploring and discovering her introverted personality.

Amanda, Introvert Proofing

 1. When did you find out that you were an introvert?

Oh goodness! I don’t think I was even aware of the term until my mid-twenties. It was then that I began learning how it applies to me. However, I feel I truly embraced introversion when I entered my thirties and now consider it my superpower. And I have recently discovered that I am a highly sensitive person (HSP), so I’m also coming to terms with how that has impacted my personality and experiences.

2. Which period of your life did you most suffer from introversion thinking that something was wrong with you?

Probably elementary school (roughly ages 8-12). During that time of my life, I had a lot of people criticizing me for being quiet and instructing me on what not to do so I could seem “less weird.” It did take a shot at my confidence, and I retreated a lot throughout those years. Even my memories of that time are predominantly of me watching movies or reading books alone. However, I also had a great best friend who stood by me and stuck up for me. She made me really courageous, so I could start accepting myself.

3. Do the people around you know about your personality type and respect that?

Before I learned about introversion, many family and friends pushed me to be more outgoing. They believed they were helping by encouraging me to shed my shy demeanour. And it was frustrating to be so misunderstood by the people I am closest to. But now that I have learned how to express myself and my needs, they better understand how to support me. I feel very respected, understood and supported by the people in my life, and it’s a great feeling!

4. How do you get along with extroverts at home, at work or in a relationship?

I enjoy friendships and relationships with extroverts as I appreciate their energy and that they can speak up for me (especially at restaurants). I also believe having a good mix of introverts and extroverts makes for a dynamic and supportive friend group. However, I always set firm boundaries to ensure we value each other’s strengths and respect our limitations.

As for extroverts in the workplace, I have found those to be the most challenging. Work really forces people together rather than letting us choose. And if people don’t respect boundaries, it can make every day difficult. For example, I remember working with someone who told me, “You can’t act like that!” because I would listen to music rather than her stories. Everyone else respected the headphones. It was acceptable and common for people to listen to music in that office, so I felt I was being picked on. And, as an adult, it was incredibly frustrating! But that was just one bad apple, and, for the most part, I have worked with some genuinely great people.

5.  How do people usually characterize you or call you out?

One memory immediately came to mind with this question, so I feel I must share it. I volunteered at a Fan Expo in my city (it is an annual comic book/fan-of-all-things-nerdy-and-geeky convention). During orientation, which was only roughly 30 minutes long, I was dubbed The One Who Doesn’t Talk. It was embarrassing but not the first or last time I have been called out for being quiet. I am naturally quiet and often don’t realize when I have not spoken for a while. I feel I should carry a card or something to let people know that I enjoy listening and observing. But I understand that observing without speaking comes off as being shy and unconfident, which is really not who I am.

6.  Are you satisfied with your current job? If not, what does your dream job look like?

I used to work in an office building, which was not satisfying. I had to answer phones and work in a pod with people who loved chatting all day. I am not totally opposed to conversations, but I am not about chatting for the sake of chatting.

I am now a freelance proofreader, and I love it! I work from home and interact with clients online. I feel more dedicated to and fulfilled by my job. It allows me to flex my strengths and get paid for things I was already doing for free (yes, I correct mistakes while reading). While also allowing me to have an independent environment where I can thrive. Though I do find networking to be a challenge and something I am still adapting to.

7. What are your favourite hobbies/pastimes?

Puzzles are my number one free time activity. I like the calm that comes with working through a puzzle. I also enjoy reading and will often opt to listen to an audiobook while working on a puzzle. And as I genuinely enjoy being outside, I do a lot of (super) amateur nature photography. I have more photos than I know what to do with, so I use them on my blog even though it goes against everything I’ve been told about growing a successful blog.

8. What do you hate doing that sometimes you have to do?

I despise talking on the phone and avoid it at all costs. And it’s more than a preference: I literally dread them. I feel so anxious when I need to make a call, and the sound of a ringing phone gives me a slight panic attack. I’m grateful a lot of businesses offer online bookings now. And when I do need to make a phone call, I write a list of everything I need to say so I can focus on the list.

9. What would you like people to know more about you and introverts?

Well, for one thing, all introverts are different, and we have our own needs and boundaries. If you’re developing a friendship with an introvert, show that you value that bond by allowing them to be themselves. And understand that introverts do not avoid social interactions because they are shy. In fact, many, like me, enjoy deep conversations with the people we care about rather than one-dimensional small talk. I want to get lost in a discussion and not be stuck talking to someone who can’t stand a lull in the conversation.

10.  If you have written or found any Introvert-related posts, please share.

I want to give a shout-out to INFJ Woman. As an INFJ, I appreciate the information she shares, and I find comfort that we have similar experiences due to our shared personality type.

INFJ Woman Instagram Page

And I would like to share my own blog. I write about introversion, personality, anxiety, and mental health. The blog’s purpose is to share my journey of learning about and accepting myself in hopes that it will encourage and empower others to do the same.

Amanda, Introvert Proofing

My blog:

My Instagram:

My Facebook page:

If you are an introvert (blogger) and you would like to be featured on my blog by answering 10 Questions about your Introversion Discovery Journey please contact me so we can discuss all the details.

Download the Introvert Interview PDF Introvert Interview


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