Wednesday, December 19, 2018

December 16 - Christmas Holiday Printable

Day 16 - Create a printable for the holidays

I was browsing my Pinterest feed to find some ideas for a printable when I stumbled upon this Pin. I love the ideas here because I usually don't know where to start from while making New Year goals and resolutions. This list gives you 9 specific things to focus on for the coming year.

1. A bad habit I'm going to break

~Sleeping with my make-up on.~ 

I have really made up my mind to take care of my skin both by eating more healthily and by taking a better care of it especially before sleeping.
 I have bought all the necessary cleaning products and will try my best to beat my laziness and perform the cleaning routine every night.

2. A new skill I'd like to learn


I will try to take some photography courses online. Skillshare offers 2 months of free unlimited courses once you sign up. I will try to join the courses and really follow-up.

3. A person I hope to be more like

~ my tutor at work~

She is someone so smart and so positive and so trustworthy, leads a healthy lifestyle and is never afraid to speak her opinion. 

4. A good deed I'm going to do


I have always wanted to volunteer but never have done it. This year I would like to volunteer in ecological groups and events.

5. A place I'd like to visit


After seeing this video, I started dreaming of this country.

6. A book I'd like to read

~ an autobiography~

I've never read an autobiography so I would like to try this genre, maybe to start from Steve Jobs and Cristiano Ronaldo.

7. A letter I'm going to write

~ to a childhood friend ~

Back in my childhood years, when we used to play in the backyards, my friends and I used to write letters to each other though we lived next doors and saw each other every day for hours. Last time when I visited my homeland, my friend showed me some letters of mine she had kept. 
I just thought it might be a good surprise for her to receive a handwritten letter from me after so many years especially when we are a long distance from each other.

8. A new food I'd like to try

~ Goji berries ~ 

These days I am trying to avoid animal products as much as possible and I am trying to include healthy food in my daily menu. I have read lots of benefits of Goji Berries but I haven't tried them yet.

9. I am going to be better at  

~ self-control~

This post was inspired by the 31-Day Blog Challenge hosted by Linda Jean from Witte's World Blog.


  1. Very good tips! I did a blog post that included ways to create healthy habits. It's really important to share this type of information with others. Peace and blessings.

  2. Dear Latasha, just saw your post, totally agree with you.

  3. I love this list! I always try to make plans around New Year too and then somehow things fall off track...
