Monday, August 24, 2020

Golden Bloggerz Award

Golden Bloggerz Award

When I first started blogging, linky parties and blogging awards were a thing. They were one of the coolest ways to support and connect with fellow bloggers. Then the social media platforms came to change the blogging world with their challenges and follow loops. 

I did miss the old good days though until I was nicely surprised to win "The Golden Bloggerz Award" by Chris Kosto from The Golden Bloggerz.

I am deeply honored and thankful to Chris for this recognition and I am sure you will discover lots of talented writers/bloggers among my nominees too.

What is "The Golden Bloggerz Award"?

It's an award made to motivate and reward all these amazing bloggers that work daily to serve their audience and they're worth more recognition. Their priority is to do their best to help their readers solve their problems and reach their goals. This award was created by Chris Kosto from Golden Bloggerz to encourage and reward all the hard-working content creators who deserve more recognition.  


1- Place the award logo on your blog
2- Mention the rules.
3-Thank whoever nominated you and place a link to their website
4- Mention the award’s creator & provide a link too.
5- Tell your audience 3 things about you
6- Nominate 10 – 20 people who deserve this award
7- Let your nominees know by messaging/commenting on their Social Media or their blog
8- Ask your nominees any 5 questions you want.
9- Share 2-3 links to your best posts

3 Things about Myself
1- I was born and grew up in Yerevan, Armenia. I got married and moved to Beirut, Lebanon back in 2007 where I have been living since then.
2-I am the youngest out of 3 girls.  My both sisters work at the hospital while I'm far from anything medicine-related:).

3- I created My blog, coffee and camera! back in 2013 with a purpose to showcase my amateur photography. Before that, back in 2011, I created my teaching blog Enjoy Teaching English.

5 Questions for my Nominees
1- What is your blog about?
Introduce your blog in one sentence:)
2- Are you planning to become a full-time blogger anytime soon and what are you doing to achieve that?
3- What have been your biggest achievements as a blogger so far?
4 - Do you collect anything?
5 - What are your hobbies?

Nominate 10 - 20 people who deserve that
I nominate

Share 2-3 of your best posts
Here we go, 3 posts I am proud of

To all winners of this award, Congratulations!

Never give up and keep doing what you love the most! 

And don't forget the 3 P's for Success: Passion, Patience, and Persistence.



  1. Replies
    1. I had so fun with this post. Thanks again ❤️️

  2. I saw your link on the Inspire Me Monday link up. Congratulations!

    1. oh, thanks a lot for visiting my blog❤️️

  3. Wohoo! Congratulations and you are awesome in supporting other bloggers. Keep on inspiring ;)

    1. Thank you so much. Love the blogging community❤️️

  4. Well done you!! And thank you for nominating me too!

  5. Thank you so much Lusine :) Its such an honour to be nominated!

  6. Thank you Lusine, that is so of kind of you to nominate me, I really appreciate it and you! It's been really nice to learn here more about you xx

    1. Thank you Alex❤️️I appreciate it a lot!

  7. Thank you so much for the nomination, Lusine, this is so kind of you. I didn't realise you lived in Beirut - I hope you are keeping safe? As a side note if anyone reads this comment, do give Lusine a follow on Instagram, her feed is gorgeous!

  8. Congratulations on your nomination! These are some great questions too!

  9. Well done this is such an achievement!

    Amber | The Unpredicted Page


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