Monday, December 24, 2018

December 20 - 8 Things to Do to Live a Life without Regrets

Day 20 - Write a letter to yourself about something you regretted about 2018

As the year is drawing to an end, we tend to look ahead and make decisions and resolutions for the upcoming year trying to make some changes or improve something.

I am usually someone who rarely regrets.

Once done, done, you cannot turn back the time.

I am usually aware of the decisions I make. If I chose something in the past, it was the right choice for me at that tine and no need to regret not having it done differently.

But what if I get 10 years in the future and have a look back at my life?

Will I be proud of my life and my decisions or I will regret some things?

Dear Myself,

8 Things You Can Do to Live a Life without Regrets

 1- Show your real feelings to people you love...

(have the courage to express your feelings, always keep in touch with your family and true friends)

2 - Don't care too much on what other people think 

(just live a life true to yourself, not the one others expect of you)

3- Stop procrastinating and follow your passions 

(stop taking too much time on deciding to learn a new skill)

4 - Spend quality time with your loved ones 

(don't get stuck in your daily routines, always make time for your dear ones)

5 - Travel more

(the world is too big to always stay in your comfort zone)

6 - Live in the present and enjoy it 

(stop holding tightly on the past, let go your fears and failures and be happier)

7 - Don't spend too much time worrying on little things 

(cleaning, kids mess, traffic...worrying changes nothing except your health and mental state)

and finally

8 - Take better care of yourself

(nurture your body and soul for if you don't care for yourself, no one will)

This post was inspired by the 31-Day Blog Challenge hosted by Linda Jean from Witte's World Blog.

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