Sunday, January 13, 2019

January 11 - My Favorite Things from Summer 2018

Day 11 - Share a picture story post of your favorite thing you did last summer.  Create a playlist of songs that tell the story of your life in 2018.

The summer of 2018 was the time of new beginnings and challenges.
As a teacher, I usually recharge and slow down in summer, committing myself to my hobbies and interests, catching up with what I failed to achieve. 

This summer was especially memorable as it was also the time I was back to blogging and photography after a couple of years' break and I kind of feel very proud of that.

Here is a list of all my favorite things from the summer of 2018

Healthy Eating 

It was in the summer of 2018 that I kicked off my Healthy Eating journey. I started exercising at home, adopted some healthy habits like cutting off white sugar and white flour, cutting down fried and canned food and experimenting with new healthy recipes.

Healthy Eating


It's been a while I've been dreaming of a professional camera that's why I had stopped taking amateur photos. 
But I changed my mindset, grabbed my phone and started taking more photos. And the feeling you get from capturing the beauty is just worth it.


Family Short Trips

As we could not travel anywhere this summer, we decided to explore the hidden gems of our country. We took short family trips each weekend, visited remote villages and discovered lots of amazing places.

Family Trips


My mom has always been a great admirer of house plants but I never had any attraction to them until recently.
Houseplants are more than a decoration to your interior. Besides adding greenery and coziness to the house they also improve the quality of your life by purifying and humidifying the air.
I still need much to be desired as many of them die with me no matter how hard I try to take care of them but I don't give up. 



You can never have enough of it. It doesn't just keep you awake and alert, it also can make you smarter and lower the risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.
And while the people will argue about its benefits and side effects, I will sip my coffee and have some rest just because today is Sunday and "Today I Don't Feel Like Doing Anything!":)


This post was inspired by the January Mind, Body and Writing Challenge hosted by Linda Jean from Witte's World Blog.


  1. Oh the trips looked fun and the food look so delicious!

  2. Yes, the trips were not many, but we made lots of memories, what about the food, they were delish, unfortunately I find the time for creative healthy food only in summer:(

  3. It looks like you had an AMAZING 2018 - I hope your 2019 is just as amazing!

  4. Beautiful picture collages! It looks like you had a great 2018!

    1. I tried my best to capture all the best and beautiful moments:)
